Apache Ps2 S Iso

  1. Shinobi Ps2 S Rank
  2. Apache Ps2 S Iso Free

From within Apache, go to File > Open ISO and open the PS2 DVD ISO you created with Apache3. Once your ISO is open in Apache1.1, you’ll be able to see the contents in the right pane, just like you could in Apache3.

Hi all.
I've been a regular user of Apache now for about a year, 1.3 and more
recently 2.0. Recently Sony released a kit to turn their PlayStation 2
console into a fully featured Linux machine (hard drive, Ethernet etc etc).
This kit has been gaining great popularity amongst the Linux community, and
several users (such as myself) have already decided to use it as a webserver
Anyway: to get to the point: the PS2 only has a 300mhz MIPS processor, and
the compile time for Apache is quite hefty. Another discouraging factor for

Shinobi Ps2 S Rank

any would-be Apache on PS2 users is that compiling 'anything' can be quite aFree
daunting task for many people. For this reason, I've decided to provide
compiled Apache 2 binaries for download.
These are currently available from http://www.phi-web.co.uk/ps2-apache/ and
I will endeavour to provide the binaries for each new release of Apache 2Ps2 s video cable

Apache Ps2 S Iso Free

within a day or so of it 'emerging'. I just thought I'd let you guys know
about this potential (admittedly small) market for Apache. With any luck, by
making binaries for it more high-profile, more people will purchase the PS2
kit, and hence get interested in Linux.
I hope you don't mind me posting here, but it seemed like you guys should be
the ones to know. Given that I'm quite new to all of this, I compiled it
using the binbuild.sh script, but this has produced a fairly large (>11megs)
archive: is this normal? Or is there an alternate method to provide a
smaller archive?
Thanks, and keep up the good work.
Chris Taylor
chris@phi-web.co.uk - The guy with the PS2 Webserver :)
Posted by3 years ago

Hi everyone!

Apache Ps2 S Iso

Because of the recent PS4 exploit news I somehow got into modding my PS2 Slim. (70012)

Modding the sensors? e^z^p^z

Finding & ripping a fitting PS2 game I own to perform the swap trick? no problemo!

Okay, so here is the actual issue I have:

To get the PS2 to recognize the modded DVD one has to use Apache1.1 to replace an .ELF file so the file sizes etc. don't get messed up and stuff which would result in the PS2 *noticing* the non-original DVD.

But I cannot seem to find an Apache 1.1 download except for links to websites that are on SKS keyservers e.g. sksapps which means that I get the 403 Error.

Is there another way to get Apache 1.1 ?

If you know something please feel free to comment. I am grateful for every (helpful) advice I can get.


Edit: Thanks for all of your help, guys!