Latest Clay Soldiers Mod Download

New Mine Clay Soldiers 1.4.2 Mod Minecraft 1.4.2 Download

In addition to the clay soldiers, the mod also give you dozens of recipes to craft weapons, war beasts, barracks, etc. To make the battle more realistic. The equipment and arms that are crafted using recipes provided by the mod can be utilized for the clay soldiers. Build giant battlefields, arm your fortresses to the teeth, and let your soldiers transform the earth into a sea of crumbled clay! How to install Clay Soldiers Mod for Minecraft: For 1.6+ Download.

Clay Soldiers 1.4.2 Mod Features v9

  • add Creative Tab for Clay Soldiers 1.4.2 Mod (incl. custom background)
  • add new Config and Language Manager
  • fix: make coal soldiers craftable with charcoal
  • gave passive fire immunity to all non-fruit based turtles
  • buff blaze powder attacks to deal 100 damage to diamond soldiers, up from 15
  • change corrupt sound to zombie
  • idle sound added for corrupt soldiers
  • fix: music disks not playing music
  • make neutral mount/companion nexus detect type, so that a max 15 dirt horse spawner will work even if there are 30 sand horses around
  • rotation fixed on the nexus (it won’t have a random rotation after placing anymore)
  • arm swinging on soldiers works again
  • bricks give motionless core to disable knockback on self and disable movement
  • string as a core, incompatible with only iron ingot, resists one explosion (will still allow the soldier to ride a mount, use a feather, or float with pants)
  • fix: shear blades being held in wrong hand
  • wheat seeds make the soldier not become a zombie when killed by zombies
  • Geckos are no longer the only mount without a secret ability
  • repaired camouflaged effect on soldiers with eggs

Clay Soldiers 1.4.2 Mod Installations for Minecraft 1.4.2

Latest Clay Soldiers Mod Download
  1. Install Minecraft Forge, if it’s not already happened yet (use the forge universal build rev. 239 or higher), don’t forget to delete the META_INF folder in you client jar, you shouldn’t delete that in the server jar, though!
  2. Start your minecraft client / server one time, so forge can initialize the first time (it downloads some files)
  3. Close your client / server and put the CSM jar file (yes, it’s now a JAR rather than a ZIP, yay!) into the mods folder located in your .minecraft dir (client) OR next to your minecraft_server.jar (server)
  4. Start your client / server now and it should be loaded
  5. Now you can play minecraft with Clay Soldiers 1.4.2 Mod

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Clay Soldiers Mod Download

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