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- League Of Legends Test Realm
- League Of Legends Beta Release Date
- League Of Legends Beta Client
A Damage Calculator trainer/program for League of Legends. A Visual C++ program basing damage calculation on the Armor Pen and Armor.
As per requested, I included the source file for whomever that is interested. It's probably not the best code as I just wanted it working, but yea it serves it's purpose.
C++ Code starts below here.
Mar 25, 2016 THIS BUG WTF! Over 20,000 damage! This is insane League of Legends! Unlimited Ults Glitch: Subscribe to Glitch It In: http://.
#include <iostream>
using std::endl;
int main()
int boolval;
float armorpen1 = 21.0f;
float ad2 = 0.0f;
cout<<'This Program is created to calculate damage output in League of Legend'<<endl;
cout<<'do you want to use default (6.8ad,21 armor pen) VS (0 ad,31armor pen)? (1 for yes, 2 for no'<<endl;
if(boolval 1)
cout<<'for first set of runes input ad value'<<endl;
cout<<'input armor pen value'<<endl;
cout<<'for second set of runes input ad value'<<endl;
cout<<'input armor pen value'<<endl;
return 0;
float dmg = 0.0f;
cout<<'input base dmg'<<endl;
cout<<'input armor'<<endl;
League Of Legends Test Realm
float outputdmg2;
outputdmg1 = (dmg + ad1) * (1 - (armor - armorpen1) / ( (armor - armorpen1) + 100) );
outputdmg2 = (dmg + ad2) * (1 - (armor - armorpen2) / ( (armor - armorpen2) + 100) );
cout<<'for '<<ad1<<' ad and '<<armorpen1<<' armor pen, output dmg is '<<outputdmg1<<endl;
cout<<'for '<<ad2<<' ad and '<<armorpen2<<' armor pen, output dmg is '<<outputdmg2<<endl;
League Of Legends Beta Release Date
cout<<'This Simple Program is provided by Chang You Wong, and my Game Programmer Portfolio website can be found at https://changyouwong.wordpress.com'<<endl;
cout<<'Type anything to quit the program now.'<<endl;
League Of Legends Beta Client