Sap Crm Download Access Sequence
Define Access Sequence
I am working on CRM 7.0 and I have a problem in downloading the condition tables and access sequences from ECC to CRM, I used the initial load objects:DNL_CUST_CNDALL I got the conditions types and the pricing procedure replicated but no condition tables and access sequences.
To define and maintain access sequences, you need to follow a few simple steps.
Step 1) Go to SPRO > Materials management > Purchasing> Conditions> Define price determination process> Define access sequences.
As shown below , you will find a dialog structure of Access sequences, Accesses and Fields.
- Choose the Access sequence you want to maintain (PB01 gross price).
- Double click the Accesses folder in the dialog structure.
Step 2) In the next step you define access methods for the access sequence. You can see that several access methods are present for one sequence.
Every one of them is exclusive. It means that if a record is found in first access (Contract item), meaning that if the system finds a condition available from the Contract item, it will not search further, and that value will be used. If not, system will follow the other accesses in order to find appropriate entry.
You can also set a requirement for an access method to be used. For example, there is a requirement 35 assigned to access 10, which uses condition table 17 - Material Info Record (Plant-Specific).
A requirement for access number 10 is 35 - Plant info record. If there is no plant info record for the combination of the values in table 17, access 10 will not be used at all.
Step 3)
- Select the access you want to modify.
- Choose the lowest level folder in dialog structure - Fields.
Step 4)
- You can see we are located on the details screen for access sequence PB01, access 20 and table 18.
- The key fields of a condition table used in the condition access are showed here.
Condition table consists of condition fields which have certain attributes assigned to them. When the system tries to access a condition record it uses these attributes.
- Special value source – this field contains a value to be used as default while accessing (e.g. using a fixed info record category for the access sequence)
- Init – if this box is checked system will allow initial value for this field while accessing the condition table. If not system will not process the condition table lookup.
- Atyp – processing type in access. You can specify if the field is relevant for condition access if it is part of a free or fixed key type. Default is left blank (fixed key type).
- Priority – priority of a field (characteristic), it can be set from 01 to 99. Most of the time this field is left blank.
Define condition tables
Now, when we know what is a condition table, what it is used for, we can see where a condition table can be defined, and what option we have while creating it.
As you have seen in the previous topic, we have used table 18 – Material Info Record in our example.
Let's see where and how it is defined.
Step 1)
- Execute the transaction code V/05 and on the initial screen enter our table number - 18.
- In the section 2, you can see our table definition, table number, description, and two options that can be selected. First means use of the validity period (always recommended) and the other is a check for release status of the record. If checked, only released info records will be taken into account while searching for the condition.
- Here is the list of fields you have already seen in the Define access sequence topic.
You can see how is the table defined for later use in customizing the access sequence.
V/05 transaction is used for displaying a condition table.
V/04 transaction is used for changing a condition table.
V/03 transaction is used for creating a condition table.
Now you can define a new condition table if it is required, in order to use it in the access sequence definition. Most of the times new access tables aren't required since a vast number of predefined tables.
Step 1)
- Enter t-code M/03 and execute it.
- Choose your new table number (must be unused, e.g. 818).
- If you want to copy an existing table into your new table, you can select the source table here. This is useful if your table is similar to another existing table, and needs only a simple change to fulfill the requirements.
Step 2) On the next screen, you can do all of the settings for a condition table, and generate it.
- Click this button if you want to edit the description.
- Choose if your table should check validity periods and release statuses.
- List of current fields. You can select any field you want to remove (by single clicking it) and choose the remove icon (List icon with a red minus sign).
- You can add fields from field catalog by double clicking them.
- You need to generate the table in order for it to be used by pricing functions.
You can also use right click to delete or add a field to your table, as well as to navigate the Field catalog on the right side of the screen. Not all of the fields can be shown in a single page of field catalog.
After successful creation, you will be prompted to create a change request and afterwards, you will be presented a log screen like you can see on the following screen.
You have successfully generated a condition table let's see if we can see it in the access sequence maintenance screens.
It's there, so now we can create an access using this table. We will not cover this in detail as it is extremely straight forward process.
On the accesses node of our access sequence, choose New entries button. You can create access like in the below screen for Testing purposes.
Fields should also be assigned to our access PB01 – 96 in order for it to work properly
- Pricing functionality within SAP CRM is provided by Internet Pricing and Configurator (IPC) application
- IPC is a Java based application
- The IPC is responsible for pricing throughout the entire SAP CRM application
- Pricing data can be maintained within CRM system, or it can be downloaded from ERP
- Possible scenarios:
- Scenario without ERP integration:
Pricing maintained within CRM
- Scenario with ERP integration:
Pricing maintained in ERP
- Settings related to pricing can be maintained within customizing in SAP CRM:
SPRO settings related to the Pricing in SAP CRM
Elements of CRM Pricing
Following are the elements of CRM Pricing:
Elements of CRM Pricing
Pricing Procedure
- Pricing in SAP CRM is based on Pricing Procedure
- Pricing procedures in CRM have a source (CRM or ERP)
- Pricing Procedure defines:
- the valid condition types
- calculation sequence of condition types in the transaction
- subtotals that are created and displayed on the pricing screen
- what all manual processing of pricing is possible
- requirements to be fulfilled in order that a specific condition type is taken into account
- The Pricing procedures are defined in Customizing:
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Define Settings for Pricing -> Create Pricing Procedure
- You need to manually setup the determination of the pricing procedure
Elements of Transaction that can influence Pricing
- Pricing procedure determination is influenced by following elements:
- Sales organization
- Distribution channel
- Document pricing procedure (assigned to transaction type)
- Customer pricing procedure (assigned to business partner as billing data in sales area data)
- Division (optional)
Pricing Procedures
- The Pricing Procedure can be determined in below customizing path:
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Pricing in the Business Transaction -> Determine Pricing Procedure
Condition Type
- The Condition Type defines the characteristics and attributes of a condition
- You can define a condition type for every type of price, surcharge, or discount that occurs in your business transactions
- Condition type determines:
- category of condition
- how it is used
- calculation type
- scale base
- It is possible to set a condition type as an automatic surcharge or an automatic discount
Condition Types in Pricing Procedures
- Condition types are defined in Customizing:
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Define Settings for Pricing -> Create Condition Types
- Condition types in CRM have a source system:
- local = CRM
- other system (such as R/3)
- Via CRM Middleware, it is possible to load SAP ERP condition types into the SAP CRM system. SAP CRM condition types cannot be loaded into the ERP system
- Also, some of the ERP condition types cannot be used within the SAP CRM system
- Within the applications, condition types are referred as Pricing Element
Access Sequence
Sap Crm Tutorial
- Access Sequence in Condition Type defines a search strategy that CRM system uses to search for valid data in a specific condition type. It comprises of one or more accesses
- These accesses are each defined by a condition table
- The sequence of the accesses controls the priority of the individual condition records
- The accesses tell the system where to start searching after a valid condition record
- Access sequences are defined in Customizing:
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Define Settings for Pricing -> Create Access Sequences
- The combination of fields (keys) that identify an individual condition record is defined by a condition table
- Thus, condition table defines the combination of fields that an individual condition record consists of
- The condition table consists of a combination of search and result fields
- Path to define Condition tables in customizing:
- SPRO -> Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Define Settings for Pricing -> Create Condition Tables
- Following are name ranges defined for the condition tables:
- Once defined and assigned to a transaction type in the customizing, Pricing Procedure is used to calculate the pricing for the relevant objects in the Transaction
- For example below is a scenario:
Pricing Procedure execution in SAP CRM
Sap Crm Download Access Sequence
- Here, transaction has a product, for which Pricing Procedure found is 0CRM1
- System will now run all the Condition Types within this particular Pricing Procedure
- Thus, it will start with the first Condition Type, i.e., PR00, which in this scenario is calculating the price
- PR00 condition type is having reference to the Access Sequence ZPR0
- Thus, the Access Sequence ZPR0 is followed for the Price
- This Access Sequence calls two condition Records
- One of these condition types is found as not available for this particular data in the transaction
- It is calculating the Price based on another Condition Record
- In the similar fashion, all the Condition Types in concerned Pricing Procedure are processed
- In this example, 0K07 is executed for Customer Discount and 0KA0 is executed for Sales Promotion discount
- Based upon all the Condition Type executions, different components of price are found
- Thus using all this data, it calculates the net price of the product in the current transaction
- Customers can see the final price
Pricing in CRM Web UI
- Price elements can be maintained within the CRM Web UI
- It is added to various roles within the CRM Web UI. For example, users having Sales Professional role can find the Prices within the Sales Operations:
Prices search within Sales Operations work centre page
- Following is the search page for the Price element
- User can also create new price element using the New button
Search page for Prices
- Following screen within CRM Web UI helps create a new Price Element with the required and relevant data like Sales Organization, etc.
Create page for Prices
CRM Billing
Sap Crm Download Access Sequence Free
- CRM billing can be used for the invoicing related to the transaction within SAP CRM
- In general scenario, CRM system is connected to the ERP system for billing related processing
- But SAP CRM also provides functionalities related to Billing process in the form of CRM Billing
- Billing processing within CRM consists of following steps:
- Input processing
- Billing
- Output processing
- As part of the Input processing, CRM billing takes over the billing-relevant items from different business transactions. These items are stored as billing due list items
- During the Billing process, CRM Billing can group the related billing due list items from different CRM transactions into a joint billing document
- The billing due list can process the due list items
- It can process the due list items as part of an individual billing
- Also, it can process due list items as part of collective billing
- Output processing consists of:
- Invoice output
- Transfer to SAP Financials
- Retrieval in SAP BI
- The Billing output is performed using the SAP SmartForms
CRM Billing Document in CRM Web UI
- CRM Billing documents are to various Business roles (for ex., SALESPRO) within SAP CRM Web UI
- Billing Document can be found in the Sales Operations Work Center
Billing Documents in the Sales Operations
- Following is the search page for the Billing Document within the CRM Web UI
Billing Document search within CRM Web UI
- Different data related to the Billing Document can be seen within different assignment blocks in the Billing Document OverView page:
Billing Document assignment blocks within CRM Web Ui
As shown in the below screenshot, details of the individual assignment blocks
- Billing Document Details: Presents general data related to the Billing Document like the Payer details and the relevant dates
- Prices: This assignment block shows different price values along with the quantity relevant to this Billing Document
- Items:These are the Items considered within this Billing Document for the Pricing
Assignment Block data for Billing Document – I
- Other assignment blocks (screenshot below):
- Transactions: CRM transactions relevant to this Billing Document
- Follow-up Transactions: Transactions created as follow-up to this Billing Document
- Notes: Different type of text relevant to the Billing Document
Assignment Block data for Billing Document – II